#8 Branding Psychology & NID Tips

Bharat Apat
5 Min Growth
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021


Hey there, I am back with the 8th Newsletter in the series, I was a little caught up with working on our Telegram Community. It has grown by 33% in the last two days, we are 400+ designers now. In this letter, I am going to talk about the effect of branding and a few NID interview tips.

Psychology of Branding

This one is based on Big Think’s latest video.

Primed by branding

There was an experiment conducted where a group of people were shown apple branding and another group of people were shown IBM branding. These two were given creative tasks. Apple exposed group performed better than IBM and the possible reason for it is Apple constantly talks about being made for creative people and that primes us to think creatively.

Through brands, we express our identity

When we choose Nike over Under Armour, we show our affinity towards sports. We subconsciously choose brands because they have a form of self-expressive value attached to them.

We think about brands the way we think about people and that brings in brand loyalty, however, the problem with that is this attachment can influence our rationality while making a purchase.

NID Interview Tips

After writing the same thing over and over in Instagram DMs, I thought I should just make a piece of content that I can pull out when students ask me for help with NID interview. So I made my 90th summary on this topic. My 3 top tips for NID interview are:

  1. Don’t try to fit in, be you. Diversity in any batch is always welcomed and as an individual, your best bet to stand out from the crowd is by just being true to yourself.
  2. Showcase your diverse skillset. Don’t limit your portfolio to what is right for the discipline, go beyond and make a small room for complementary skills.
  3. Extra-curriculars matter. It’s not about what you bring to the table but what you bring to the community as well. Talk about things that interest you, how you spend your free time and people who inspire you.
  4. Bonus Tip: When talking about self-initiated (personal) projects talk about why you are the designer who is solving them. Why does the problem matter to you?
  5. Bonus Tip 2: Most aspirants go with an attitude of wanting to learn, however when questioned on portfolio people sometimes get over-defensive and sound like a person who doesn’t know how to take feedback. Avoid that, always be open to feedback and express that you are not too-rigid-to-change.

That’s all folks! Have a good day ahead! 😃

Bharat Apat
All works 👉 (bit.ly/bharat-apat)

